
Transitions are never easy

So it has been awhile, starting a new job, been busy, yadda-yadda...

Anyway I'm back, I'll try blogging again semi-regularly... um.. weekly maybe.

The new job:
My predecessor, Josh was still around part-time for two weeks to get me oriented with the system and the many varied duties. We also had some goals to accomplish when I arrived: transition to the newly updated Mac server, make live the new department website, connect to the campus LDAP system. Unfortunately we weren't able to do these until the last day (afternoon) that Josh was there.

You've heard that it is surprisingly easy to fly a plane once it is in the air and cruising; it is the taking off, landing, and other troublesome maneuvers that require all that time and money in flight school. Well, somehow the LDAP binding maneuver wiped out the users on the server. So while I thought I'd have time to study and tweak the system ever so cautiously, I found myself throwing levers in the cockpit and wildly making adjustments in mid-flight, meanwhile speaking calmly in the microphone to the passengers, uh.. don't be alarmed, I will have things back up and running shortly.

I exaggerate. But that is close to how I felt. The first week I was at school eleven or twelve hours a day plus working well towards midnight from home, but I now feel like things are back to normal and I can start working on the things I have been putting off for two weeks (like sleep... and blogging).


Anonymous said...

hope you're enjoying your new job. It sounds like you are, although it's busy. Well, have fun!

Anonymous said...

Just so long as you didn't sound like this over the loudspeaker:
